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NIHON BUYO SENJU school offers great regular classes for those interested in learning continuously one or several Japanese traditional arts.No matter the level you are at when starting, we are conveiced that you will enjoy our content and teaching way. Not only practice is important at our school, but also history so you can get a better and deeper understanding of Japanese Tradition through arts.
Discipline | Fees | Day/Time | Instructor |
For details about time and day, please contact us directly by Line or via the designated form
Prices below are for 3-5 people group classes
1 lesson = xxx min
Classes are available in several cities :
Booking procedure :
1.First get in touch with us through the form
2. Let's find the best availability
3.You can proceed to the online reservation
Interested in learning Japanese traditional dance from everywhere in Japan or in the world ?
No worries, NIHON BUYO SENJU provides online lessons, so that way you can enjoy this class from home and for an affordable price !
If needed, we can meet before purchasing this course, so do not hesitate to tell us your availability (desired date and time) through our contact form HERE.
We are looking forward hearing from you soon, from wherever you are at !
(Online lessons are taught via ZOOM, so you are advise to download the software in advance).
Subscription fees | Material fees | Lesson fee (40min) | Instructor |
1.First get in touch with us through the form
2. Let's find the best availability
3.You can proceed to the online reservation
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